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  • Shura K

2024 February presidents note. Sad one

Publishing by request from Sylvan and Julian Ludewigt.


Dear Friends,

It is with overwhelming grief that I must announce that our father, Bernhard Ludewigt, passed away peacefully last week. Visiting the Lodge - to ski Sugar Bowl, relax by the fire, socialize with friends, and connect with his children - was his most cherished activity. He sincerely cared for the people, the building, and the amazing landscape of the Sierra. 

I will always remember him laughing at his own jokes around the dinner table, his confidence to solve the multitude of building maintenance problems, his willingness to get lost and explore a new trail in the woods, and his commitment to boot-packing Crow’s Peak and Mt. Judah before the lifts were installed. 

Most importantly, I will always revere the patience, affection, and encouragement he gave Julian and I as he taught us to ski. As a child I refused to ski with anyone other than my father. Although I cried when I was hungry and screamed when I was scared, he was always there with a Z-Bar or to show me where to make the next turn.

In January of 2004, our family first arrived as members of the OSC. Since then it has become our second home and everyone has gotten involved in leadership and the operations of the club. My father, however, took on extra leadership responsibility without hesitation. He dedicated himself to the club and served however he could, especially as Winter VP for three seasons and President for the past five years.

I know many of you have connected with Bernhard over the years. I invite you all to his upcoming memorial service (date and location to be announced) where we can share stories and celebrate his life.

If you have any photos, or videos, or other memories to share we would greatly appreciate you sending those our way. Our email contact information is listed below.

With love,

Sylvan and Julian Ludewigt

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